There are many ways to get involved with XCHROM, whether it is becoming a BiG, LiTTLE, or a member of our E-board or administrative team (only if you're a Holy Cross student - sorry!), volunteering at Holy Cross' upcoming Women in Science Day, or helping out with other programs we host.
If you are a teacher, mentor, administrator, or educator of a young woman or women who you feel could benefit from a collaboration with XCHROM, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at
Become a LiTTLE
Are you a middle or high school student interested in a career in a STEM field? Looking for a female role model? Need help with subjects like biology, math, chemistry, or physics? Apply to become a LiTTLE!
Become a Member of XCHROM
Love mentoring? Have a knack for tutoring? Passionate about empowering young women in science? Apply to become a member of XCHROM and/or a BiG! You can also find testimonies from some of our members about why they enjoy being a part of XCHROM by clicking here, or visiting our "Testimonies" page.